

Allied Artists of America, Inc. is a non-profit National Art Society composed of artists, sculptors, elected active members and sustaining associate members from the across the country. From 1914 to the present, the Allied Artists of America, Inc. will continue to achieve its goal of furthering the cause of contemporary American artists through its Annual National Open Exhibition in New York City, open to all members and non-members, demonstrations, lectures, awards at the Annual, slide program, a newsletter mentioning all activities of the Members and Associate Members and other cultural activities.


Art Loisaida Foundation is an arts and cultural organization based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. We seek to expand the venues for local artists from our vibrant eclectic community and to improve access to local venues. We advocate for the arts and artists, seeking to provide opportunities for artists to ply their trade and sell their work by promoting visual arts exhibits, multidisciplinary performance, art slams, and children’s art classes. We are funded through public support: donations, art supplies from Materials for the Arts, Utrecht Art supplies, and private donors.


Revived in 2004 by concerned neighbors, the growing of herbs, fruits and vegetables is possible thanks to the garden unique spot under the sun. This urban food initiative is shared with our diversified community: at Campos, you may hear us speak English, Spanish, French, Bengali and Italian while we work the ground.
Campos is a sunny 5,000-square-foot community garden located on East Village, Manhattan.
A dedicated space for children was added in 2006 and rebuilt in 2013, after hurricane Sandy’s destruction. The children’s garden currently hosts science and art projects for school age children.
We hope for Campos to become a catalyst for neighborhood development by encouraging interactions which embody the very essence of our community: inclusive, unifying, and stimulating.


The Children’s Workshop School, founded in 1993, is a progressive public elementary school located on the East Village of Manhattan. CWS strives for students to be open-minded and compassionate; to gain a sense of themselves and others; and to understand and appreciate the diversity of the community. Children are guided and supported to fulfill their creative, physical, emotional, social and intellectual potential. Our goal is for our children to recognize that they have the power and resources to effect change. It is our hope that children will grow to be responsible, critical and caring members of a pluralistic society. A Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is the official parent/guardian organization in a school. Every New York City public school is required to have one, and all parents/guardians of children in a school are automatically eligible as members. PTAs can be the most direct vehicle for parent/guardian involvement in the schools, allowing them to serve as partners both in their children’s educations and in the schools themselves. Involvement can mean inspiring parents/guardians to attend meetings, volunteer with activities and events, support classroom work, and bring needed resources to the school.


Circular Creation is the work of Onno de Jong, who has the resources to design, illustrate, shoot and create multimedia for broadcast, web and print, all with the highest communicative and artistic concern. 
Past and current clients: Ammirati & Puris, the Bantam, Dell and Random House, Bertelsmann, Grey Entertainment and Media, MediaCom, Grey Advertising, Ledonne, Wilner & Weiner, McGraw Hill, New York Stock Exchange, Serino Coyne, SocioX, Sudler & Hennessey, Sutton Gymnastics, Weiss Stagliano. https://www.circularcreation.com


We’re Citizens Committee for New York City, one of the nation’s oldest micro-funding organizations. We raise money from foundations, corporations, and individual donors—then award it to amazing projects.
But we don’t stop there. We’re also here to listen to new ideas and offer active, hands-on help. That means we’re in your neighborhoods presenting workshops, meeting community leaders, even weeding the occasional garden.
Our mission is simple: to help New Yorkers —especially those in low-income areas— come together and improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods.


To bring challenging, educational and entertaining musical events to young and old audiences.
To maintain diversity and innovation in programming
To create outlets for emerging and older composers deserving of opportunities
To encourage the creation of new works of music
To present relevant socially oriented thematic programs
To present FREE and LOW COST Concert Programs to seniors, youngsters and all music lovers
To create employment for musicians and singers in operas, orchestras and chamber programs
To bring music and musical theatre into the public schools.


Working to preserve the unique vibe of the East Village. Our neighborhood is home to a diverse population; low-rise, human scale blocks; affordable buildings with historic and architectural significance; a multitude of community gardens; independent local businesses; and a tradition of expressing creative ideas and social concerns. Our retail diversity, zoning and preservation initiatives help keep the East Village special.


Gnocco is a casual restaurant that specializes in authentic homemade Italian food made with fresh and imported ingredients, complemented by an extensive Italian wine list, selection of Italian beer, and a full bar. Named for the fried dough puffs sold with prosciutto and salami on the streets of Modena, Gnocco strives for Italian authenticity.


Lower East Side History Project (LESHP) is an award-winning organization, professional educators and researchers, movie & TV consultants and, multi-generational Lower East Siders. Everyone involved in our organization are actually from the neighborhood and active in the community. LESHP programs are organized and operated by community historians, educators and preservationists dedicated to promoting awareness and appreciation of the history, culture and community of the Lower East Side. Everyone involved with LESHP are native or veteran New Yorkers who are active community members who take great pride in their work and neighborhood. LESHP’s mission is to document the Lower East Side’s great history comprehensively and accurately and utilize this information to raise awareness of the Lower East Side’s historic significance and influence in world history. The Project has been collecting important data since 2001, and countless students, journalists, preservationists, media outlets, educators and history junkies continue to utilize our information.


LESPA encourages the creation of new work in contemporary music and musical theater. It facilitates the interface between diverse composers, artists, performers, especially women, and primarily low-income, multi-cultural communities. LESPA’s affordable programs show depth and humanity, and effectively address the complexity of our time, improving the quality of life and sense of community. A commitment to accessible programming, free to low cost, and to artistic excellence.


Lower East Side Preservation Initiative: we’re local residents and preservationists who want to preserve what’s left of the historic architecture and streetscapes of Manhattan’s historic Lower East Side. This area, which is one of the city’s – and country’s – most diverse and historically rich communities, includes such neighborhoods as the East Village, Lower East Side below Houston St., Chinatown, Little Italy and the Bowery, extending from East 14th Street south to Fulton and Franklin Streets, and Broadway east to the East River. We’re a grass roots not-for-profit organization, formed in 2007.


Loisaida United Neighborhood Gardens (LUNGS) was formed in 2011 to unite the community gardens in Loisaida, the Lower East Side and the East Village. LUNGS works to promote, protect and preserve gardening and greening through cooperation, coordination and communication. LUNGS advocates on behalf of membership diversity, permanent community gardens and public green spaces. LUNGS is dedicated to helping our community and by extension New York City. We work very closely with the 52 community gardens in our neighborhood and welcome conversations with other greening organizations.


Materials for the Arts (MFTA) provides NYC arts nonprofits, public schools and city agencies with access to free materials.  We strive to keep valuable materials from entering the landfill and put these materials into the hands of arts professionals, educators and students across the five boroughs.  We give unwanted items the opportunity to become something new through creative reuse, inspired education and unlimited imagination. Better than new; it’s renewed.


The New York Public Library has been an essential provider of free books, information, ideas, and education for all New Yorkers for more than 100 years. Founded in 1895, NYPL is the nation’s largest public library system, featuring a unique combination of 88 neighborhood branches and four scholarly research centers, bringing together an extraordinary richness of resources and opportunities available to all.


The Department of Cultural Affairs and The New York City Council created several initiatives for additional funding. One of those designations is the Cultural Immigrant Initiative. Eligible programs include those that serve a significant number of immigrant/foreign-born New Yorkers, or present or represent the traditions, cultures, and/or experiences of immigrant communities in NYC.


The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) is the largest municipal funder of culture in the country and is committed to providing access to art and culture for all New Yorkers.


The New York City Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) invests in a network of community-based organizations and programs to alleviate the effects of poverty and to provide opportunities for New Yorkers and communities to flourish.
DYCD supports New York City youth and their families by funding a wide range of high-quality youth and community development programs, including: After School, Community Development, Family Support, Literacy Services, Youth Services, Youth Workforce Development


The New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) is dedicated to preserving and expanding the rich and diverse cultural resources that are and will become the heritage of New York’s citizens. NYSCA upholds the right of all New Yorkers to experience the vital contributions the arts make to our communities, education, economic development and quality of life. NYSCA funding supports the visual, literary, media and performing arts and includes dedicated support for arts education and underserved communities.


The Mission of the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation is to provide safe and enjoyable recreational and interpretive opportunities for all New York State residents and visitors and to be responsible stewards of our valuable natural, historic and cultural resources.


The Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural and Educational Center Inc. (The Clemente) is a Puerto Rican/Latino cultural institution that has demonstrated a broad-minded cultural vision and a collaborative philosophy. While The Clemente’s mission is focused on the cultivation, presentation, and preservation of Puerto Rican and Latino culture, it is equally determined to operate in a multi-cultural and inclusive manner, housing and promoting artists and performance events that fully reflect the cultural diversity of the Lower East Side and the city as a whole.


THEATER FOR THE NEW CITY is a unique Cultural Institution that has earned a nationwide reputation for its dedication to nurturing established and emerging playwrights who experiment with new forms and to presenting other experimental and developmental theaters with a very active program of Community Art Services and Festivals which continue to expand theater accessibility.


Tower Brokerage, located on the northern end of Tompkins Square Park in Manhattan’s East Village has been an integral part of both the residential as well as the retail community since 1988.
Tower Brokerage has grown into an investment property development and acquisitions group, controlling over $150 million dollars in assets. Tower Brokerage is comprised of a residential division dealing with acquiring and brokering investment properties, and building management, as well as a commercial and retail leasing division (handling commercial leasing, and business sales involving bulk asset purchases).