Garden Stories Workshop: Fall 2019- Spring 2020

In partnership with the New York City Council’s Cultural Immigrant Initiative (Many thanks NYC Councilmember Carlina Rivera) and Citizen’s Committee of New York City. Art Loisiada Foundation &  Campos Community Garden produce Garden Stories Workshops for Childrens Workshop School and A Dia De Los Muertos event in Campos Community Garden. There are four workshops inContinue reading “Garden Stories Workshop: Fall 2019- Spring 2020”

Garden Stories: Leadership Workshops

Helping your life story bloom Garden Stories: Leadership Workshops provides interactive programs for children designed to: Heighten the children’s curiosity about gardening and nature Promote healthier life styles by learning more about food sources Increase children’s self-confidence and ability to collaborate with others Strengthen ties between the children’s organization, parents, community garden and other partners involvedContinue reading “Garden Stories: Leadership Workshops”

Garden Story Books 2019

At the end of the spring semester we created book from our drawings to show anyone and everyone and especially our parents everything that we learned. Both Scott and Nicole’s classes created a book. Please download and look at all of our accomplishments this spring.

Who We Are

ALF and Garden Stories partnered in 2017 to launch a series of interdisciplinary workshops for the Children’s Workshop School and the Campos Community garden. Carolyn Ratcliffe, Artistic Director, Art Loisaida Foundation Holly O’Grady, Founding Director, Garden Stories: Leadership Workshops Bios for Carolyn and Holly can be found here Instructors: Christopher Batenhorst, Garden workshops Gladys Feliciano, ArtContinue reading “Who We Are”

We Grew Our Own Pizza!

We didn’t just create the pizza, we grew the veggies! Gnocco’s staff showed the children how to create a pizza. We then all created pizzas together using herbs and vegetables we grew at Campos community Garden: oregeno, basil, thyme, marjoram and tomatoes. Claudio and Rossella shows us how to make the pizza dough. The doughContinue reading “We Grew Our Own Pizza!”

Bees, Bees and More Bees

Thse working bees are all girls? That’s fantastic. Dan Rothchild came by and introduced us to bees. Did you know that all of the bees are girls? The queen bee lays all the eggs and the workers bee do all of the work. The drones freeload and the only thing they do is inseminate theContinue reading “Bees, Bees and More Bees”

Workshop curricula have included:

Science and Exploration: Garden basics – Why Bees Matter? Creative Problem Solving: Working in pairs to build incredible insects Healthy Food: Working collaboratively in teams to create healthy, tasty treats using garden vegetables Exhibiting art work in the garden for parents and community to view Origins of food: Making fresh pasta/pizza Science and Exploration: SpringContinue reading “Workshop curricula have included:”


Since 2017 we have designed and implemented a comprehensive program for third graders at the Children’s Workshop School.  Our participating partners for our interactive program include the Campos Community Garden near the school and a local community restaurant, Gnocco. Our programs add the “A” (arts) to STEM programs by encouraging children to tap into theirContinue reading “Workshops”


Because so many artists are under the threat of losing their homes as well as studio and venue space, Art Loisaida Foundation takes an active interest in supporting preservation initiatives and works with organizations, such as the Lower East Side Preservation Initiative, to try to preserve the architectural heritage of our neighborhood. This was partlyContinue reading “Preservation”

Tompkins Sq. Library Art Gallery Project

Art Loisaida Foundation brought together a group of concerned professionals who developed a proposal to improve the art gallery space at the Tompkins Square Library. Hugues Fournier, a landscape architect, designed plantings for the entrance ways, a sculpture court and a green roof addition, while local architect Catalina Salazar did drawings for the gallery itself.Continue reading “Tompkins Sq. Library Art Gallery Project”